Monday, June 27, 2011

BDP Protest Photos

Here is a link to photographs I shot during a protest in Taksim supporting Hatip Dicle, one the independent candidates affiliated with the Peace and Democratic Party (BDP)who was banned by the Turkish Supreme Electorate Board from entering the new parliament. Two elected BDP members were at the protest, Sebahat Tuncel and Sirri Sureyya Onder, which was a continuation of an earlier protest in Sisli; trying to make their way to Taksim square they were blocked by police and were forcefully dispersed with tear gas. The two upcoming members then joined the annual (Gay) Pride parade, which received a small dose of tear gas due to the wind. As for myself, I "cried" for about twenty minutes since I also had a nice dose of tear gas. It must be said that unfortunately, the police seemed to have used excessive force to break up a crowd of not more 300-350 demonstrators.

Sebahat Tuncel speaks at demonstration:

Demonstration being dispersed with tear gas:

Tomorrow, I will cover the story of the latest political crisis in detail following the swearing of the new Turkish parliament members on June 28.

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